Viewing art makes you healthier

Recent studies and research have proven that looking at art can positively impact your health and well-being in several essential ways, like lowering anxiety and depression and boosting critical thinking skills.

The Nord-Trondelag Health Study concluded that these benefits were found in people who both created or consumed the arts. That means that people who enjoy looking at art get the exact same health benefits as people who enjoy making art.

Interestingly enough, females received more benefits from actively creating art, while males got more benefits from passively viewing art.

Art can help you mimic the physical sensation of falling in love. Don’t waste your time and choose your special healing seascape painting today!

Additionally, science has shown that viewing beautiful artwork can actually cause you to experience the same physical reactions we get when we fall in love.

Professor Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist with the University of London, scanned the brains of volunteers while they viewed 28 works of art. Zeki discovered when a person views art they find beautiful, it triggers an immediate release of dopamine into the brain–a chemical related to feelings of love, pleasure, and desire.

Art CAN make you happier. Art CAN nourish both your body and spirit.


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